by ManagerEternal | Nov 3, 2021 | Newsletters
Short and sweet! As they say, Elvis has left the building. In this case Elvis being harvest, and me being perfectly fine with that. It was an early, but short and sweet harvest for us this year. Yields were dramatically down from previous years and that contributed to...
by ManagerEternal | May 10, 2021 | Events, Newsletters
Party on! Wow! As I said on social media, this release is my favorite of all time, and this might just be my favorite newsletter! So many AMAZING things to mention, so let’s get to it. We are less than a week away from our first Thursday Night Concert & Food Truck...
by ManagerEternal | Apr 1, 2021 | Newsletters
It’s go time! Man, it feels great to have people at the winery again! I’m so stoked for this food truck concert series next month. We are getting busier at the winery and tasting room, and will open to 5 days a week starting April 2nd. Wednesdays-Sundays from 11-5pm...
by ManagerEternal | Feb 28, 2021 | Newsletters
March Madness! First off, I would like to thank everyone who sent their best wishes last month before my knee surgery. It went well and my recovery is progressing; however, I still have a long way to go. That being said we welcome back Tyler to the team to run...
by ManagerEternal | Jan 24, 2021 | Newsletters
Hello from sunny, but cold, Walla Walla, WA! February is always a favorite month for me! I happen to be born in this month and always try to take some time to celebrate life and happiness and take a step back. It’s important that we realize how much we do have, and...
by ManagerEternal | Dec 31, 2020 | Newsletters
Celebrate 2021 huge deals, new label, new tasting room? Happy New Year! Wow! 2021, here we are! At times it seemed to go fast and at others, slow, but in the end, we are always in the present which is now 2021. This time last year I had visions of a weekly food truck...
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