December is here which means Holiday Barrel!
So, you’re thinking, “What’s up with Holiday Barrel Brad?” Well here’s the scoop: We will be pouring and selling futures on our 2016 Eternal Heritage Syrah. This baby was within the barrel for 3 years! Also, we will be tasting our 2017 Eternal Heritage Syrah from the barrel. How’s that? Want more? Ok fine. We will be tasting and selling our library 2015 Eternal Heritage Syrah. Plus, we will have some cheese and meats to pair with them. I hope to see you all this weekend in Walla Walla!
Thanks to all who made Fall release the biggest Fall release on record for us! I truly can’t thank you all enough. It was great to share some active ferments with you and take a break from harvest and cellar work.
We are selling out of our Eternal Sunshine Viognier. The 2017 was just voted best Viognier in the Pacific Northwest by “SIP Northwest” magazine. That makes it 3 years in a row we were awarded by “SIP Northwest” for our Viognier, which is becoming a cult classic. Only 4 cases left.
Looking ahead we will be closed December 24 & 25th so our staff and I can be with family. It’s crazy to think that it will be 2020 soon! This year has been a great one for Eternal and Drink Washington State. Closing the downtown tasting room was one of the biggest positives I’ll take from 2019. It’s amazing how our overall sales went up and expenses were cut in half. I do want to open up another tasting room sooner than later, but it will not be in Walla Walla.
Another big positive of the year was being in the same facility for harvest 2 years in a row. That hasn’t happened yet up until this year. It was amazing how little problems were fixed from last year and the flow was so much easier and less stressful for me than last year. Of course, my broken finger really placed most of the stress on me in the 2018 harvest!
Lastly the exploration of this harvest really excites me with the different co-ferments, and skin contact white wines, AKA orange wine. Also, pressing off bins both earlier and later than I usually do were some changes in the cellar. I like to be challenged and I enjoy finding different ways to make wine. I can’t wait to show you what I have been working on. Our 2018 Eternal Insight skin contact white will be released in Spring, 2020.
I love Carmenere and if you don’t know a lot about it don’t worry. I went to Chile to study the grape and produced a documentary. It’s an easy 15 minutes, so grab your favorite Carmenere and sit back and enjoy! Link here.
We are open for tastings at the winery Wednesday through Sunday 11-5pm. Mon/Tues by appointment only.
12/6 – 12/8/19: Holiday Barrel Tasting
2/10/20: Walla Walla Wine in Seattle
2/24/20: Walla Walla Wine in Portland
3/1/20 – 3/31/20: Washington Wine Month
3/19-3/22/20: Taste Washington in Seattle
4/1/20 – 4/30/20: Walla Walla Wine Month
5/1/20- 5/3/20: Spring Release Weekend
7/16- 7/18/20: Celebrate Walla Walla Valley Wine – The World of Syrah
*Bold locations in Walla Walla
As always, thanks for reading.
-Drink Wine Be Happy
Brad Binko

Pumpover on our co-fermented orange wine
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