by ManagerEternal | Aug 29, 2017 | Newsletters
Harvest is upon us! Wow! This last week has just been amazing! I really don’t even know what to start with so I guess I’ll go in chronological order. Eternal and Drink Washington State were just named 1 of 5 up and coming wineries in Washington State. This is...
by ManagerEternal | Aug 28, 2017 | Uncategorized
Port chooses newest entrant to wine incubators As expected, Eternal Wines and Drink Washington State was chosen for the space. A Walla Walla winery with two brands will have a new spot as a tenant at the Airport District incubator space. Brad Binko’s Eternal Wines and...
by ManagerEternal | Aug 23, 2017 | Uncategorized
We are so honored to be included in this write up from Sip Northwest Magazine. We are located in downtown Walla Walla and currently open 7 days a week for tastings, glass pours and sangrias. 9 S. 1st Ave. Walla Walla, WA 99362 5 Up-And-Coming Washington...
by ManagerEternal | Jul 31, 2017 | Newsletters
Harvest is coming in Walla Walla! August is here. Wow! This year has been moving so quickly that I can’t believe it! Days and weeks fly by and our momentum keeps pushing forward too. I promise you I will not stop or slow down until Eternal Wines and Drink...
by ManagerEternal | Jul 3, 2017 | Newsletters
Greetings from sunny Walla Walla, July is here and so is the heat. We now see daily temperatures in the 90’s. The vines are growing higher and higher towards the sun daily, and we are starting to think about harvest perpetration. June was a great month for us...
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